06-17-20 | Blog Post

Otava Backup for Microsoft 365 featured on eChannelNews podcast

Blog Posts

According to a Veeam study conducted in August 2019, 74 percent of Microsoft 365 users have no protection strategy despite the fact that Microsoft 365 does not come with a comprehensive and long-term backup. Microsoft permanently deletes recycle bins after one month, SharePoint and OneDrive items after three months, and departed employee data after one month. This was one of the main points during the interview — Microsoft is simply an infrastructure provider offering a service and the guarantee of that service. It does NOT guarantee that the data generated by the use of its service is available or protected. It’s an important distinction for companies to make: You are responsible for the data, while Microsoft is responsible for the infrastructure.

There are all sorts of data loss scenarios that are easily conceivable: Accidental deletion, external threats (eg malware), or insider threats (eg a disgruntled employee) are just a few. As an organization, you would take steps to mitigate such risks by establishing policies and procedures, creating a disaster recovery plan and ensuring at least one backup copy of your data (but preferably three). Why not take those same precautions with the tools you use every day, like your email or chat functions?

That leads itself to a pretty big gap in Microsoft’s service! That presents a big opportunity for cloud service providers (like Otava or others) to add additional protective services on top of Microsoft and keep the data generated through Exchange, SharePoint and Teams safe. With Otava Cloud Backup for Microsoft 365, organizations have the ability to restore or archive their data and essentially keep a copy of it, whether for compliance reasons or just for their own peace of mind. What people may not realize is that when they’re running Microsoft 365, they essentially have one copy of their data — their production data. Leveraging a third-party solution allows organizations to keep a second or even third copy, just like they would for any other systems they may be running.

There’s much more to learn! Check out the interview in full on eChannelNews’ website.

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