05-13-21 | Blog Post

Ransomware Continues to Threaten America’s Critical Infrastructure and Services

Blog Posts

The US consumed 390M gallons of gasoline per day and 197M gallons of aviation fuel per day in 2019.  As of 2020, 6.63 billion barrels of petroleum were consumed in the U.S. annually. Today, without oil, the U.S. doesn’t operate and that’s why the Energy Sector is one of 16 U.S. Critical Infrastructures. These figures come from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA.) The numbers also represent a jolting backdrop to the potential impact of the recent Colonial Pipeline hack. This is especially the case when you consider Colonial represents only about 5,500 miles of the ~2.6 million miles of US pipelines. (Diagram above from American Petroleum Institute. API)

Not Just Hacks but Threats to Our Way of Life

Utilities and supply chains are under siege by both cybercrime opportunists and state sponsored hackers. December 2020- US Department of Energy (US DOE) reports a serious cyber-breach. February 2020- Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) reports ransomware. Next,  an international lesson: February 2021 Electrobras and Copel, Brazil state owned utilities are hacked. The hack causes the Brazilian utility to suspend “some of its systems” for its Eletronuclear subsidiary. The subsidiary runs two nuclear power plants. Yep, nuclear. This brings us back to oil and gas and how supply disruption can be a significant threat to the American way of life.

Security and Compliance Protects Vital Elements

HIPAA protects the medical us, PCI DSS protects the financial us and SOX protects against the fraud that impacts us. Along with oil in the “US Critical” Energy sector, is electricity. The North American Electric Reliability Corp (NERC) is the electrical grid’s regulatory authority. NERC operates under CIP (Critical Infrastructure Protection) a set of requirements designed to secure the assets required for operating North America’s bulk electric system. Their policies include physical, system and cyber security, access security, recovery and additional elements common to other compliance bodies. Perhaps most importantly in today’s cybercrime environment, NERC CIP includes requirements for regular personnel Cyber awareness and Security training. According to the Wall St Journal and Tobias Whitney VP at Fortress Information Security, “there is no such regulatory body enforcing standards for oil-and-gas companies.”

So, What Now?

Having regulatory bodies and rules doesn’t automatically prevent or fix cybercrime, but they do provide experience based, best in class security guidelines for all companies operating in this critical area. According to the American Petroleum Institute “oil-and-gas companies largely adhere to security recommendations from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.” While the debate moves forward on overall cyber security preparedness for oil and gas (including President Biden recently announcing “We launched a new public private initiative in April, began the 100-day sprint to improve cyber security in the electric sector, and we’ll follow that with similar initiatives in natural gas pipelines, water and other sectors”) here’s some important information about safeguarding your networks:

  • Follow the 3-2-1 rule: CISA, FBI, and HHS all recommend the 3-2-1 strategy: In general, maintaining anti-ransomware best practices like the 3-2-1 backup system or conducting regular vulnerability scanning to identify and address vulnerabilities will help protect your organization against future threats. The rule is 3 different copies of your data, on 2 different media, 1 of which is offsite. Consider sending your backups offsite to the certified “compliant” cloud or even tape using a cloud-based solution such as Otava Cloud Connect.
  •  Use air-gapping for extra resilience: Air-gapping is defined as taking your media offline. Powering off VMs, auto-ejecting removable storage, and using an out-of-band protection solution where backups are taken via the same backup copy job on the network, then automatically sent to a service provider in the cloud, are all ways of air-gapping your backed-up data.
  • Use different credentials for backup repositories: Use separate credentials for each of your backup repositories. If one set of credentials is compromised, you can still rely on your other repositories. Also, restrict user permissions as much as possible, this could help prevent the infection from spreading.
  • Use updated Email and web filtering tools: Prevent ransomware from getting to you in the first place, most ransomware infections start with email phishing attacks.
  • Consider implementation of Zero Trust: Zero trust is an initiative to move from “trust but verify” to a “never trust, always verify” approach. In practice, this model considers all resources to be external and continuously verifies trust before granting only the required access.
  • Employ a multi cloud strategy: A multi-cloud strategy can help ensure your environment is spread out between multiple providers so that if one of them experiences an attack, the rest of your environment is quarantined.
  • For employees and 3rd parties, remote access and mandatory security training: Frequent and mandatory training for all employees and 3rd parties that access your networks. Cybercrime and cyber awareness training as well as sharing of all critical network security and continuity plans.
  • Reduce IT Staffing Problems: To increase the protection afforded by your HIPAA compliance efforts, reduce your IT staffing problems and address potential budget challenges, consider fully managed disaster recovery and backup solutions. These solutions provide a “best in industry” 24x7x365 extension of your staff to address security and business continuity concerns.
  • Consider partnering with a certified compliant Cloud Service provider to utilize their security, resources and experience to protect against threats.

With ransomware costs estimated to approach nearly $20B in 2021, it’s important for your business to implement the highest level of resilience possible against this evolving disaster. If you are looking for more help increasing your ransomware resilience, Otava can help. Our Veeam Availability Suite offers ransomware protection, powered by Veeam. Get seven-day backup protection that leverages Veeam Insider Protection, ensuring your data remains intact even if a malicious third party remotely wipes your backup data. Start with a free 30 day trial or contact us to learn more.

Additional Resources

Ransomware and Risk Mitigation webinar replay
Listen to the on-demand webinar to learn how organizations can mitigate and protect themselves against ransomware and other malware attacks.

What are the top sources of ransomware infection?
What is ransomware and how do you protect against it?

Video: Ransomware preparedness with Otava, Veeam and MSPs: Our panel covered many topics in a roundtable-style discussion, starting first by reviewing the main strains of ransomware prevalent in the industry today, and what they’re seeing in terms of risk mitigation.

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