01-02-13 | Blog Post
The integration of diverse mobile devices throughout the work environment is both inevitable and enabling. Workflows previously tied to less portable devices can now enjoy free access wherever a wireless signal allows.
But enabling access also presents security, privacy, and confidentiality concerns. Industries that rely on sensitive data such as healthcare, financial, and insurance have heightened risks and concerns. Addressing security concerns is nothing new for these industries, but mobile technologies present a dizzying array of uniquely configured, user-selected hardware and software.
It’s a good bet that the selection of phone, carrier, and apps is driven more by usability than security. Information and security officers have a thinner tightrope to walk when enabling and protecting customers.
So what to do? This white paper explores approaches to mobile security from risk assessment (what data are truly at risk), enterprise architecture (protect the data before the devices), policies and technologies, and concludes with an example of a mobile security architecture designed and implemented within a hospital environment in which both enabling caregivers and protecting privacy, integrity, and confidentiality are paramount.
Download our newest white paper, Mobile Security, today! Call us at 734.213.2020, or email us at [email protected] with any additional mobile security or hosting questions or concerns.