12-16-20 | Blog Post

Charitable Giving is a Core Value of the Otava Family

Blog Posts

At Otava we are proud to have a long history of partnering with multiple charities that are local to the communities where our employees work and live.  We think of our employees as a second family and families give of their time and resources to help others and make their communities better, more giving places to live.

Throughout 2020, Otava and our family of employees has supported several amazing causes including:

  • Food Gatherers– supports 170 non-profit agencies and programs providing direct food assistance to adults, seniors, and children in Washtenaw County, in and around the greater Ann Arbor, MI area.
  • Central Texas Food Bank– supports families in the Central Texas region to provide meals to those in need for the holiday season.
  • Brookside Community Foodbank– providing meal distributions in the Indianapolis community.
  • Humane Society of Huron Valley– takes in unwanted, injured, lost, stray, abandoned, and abused animals.

 Our Family is Passionate About Giving Back to the Community

Giving is not just about the holidays, it’s an everyday responsibility for all of us. In the wake of the pandemic, there are families all across the nation struggling to make ends meet, and demands at food co-ops and food banks has been high. In April, Otava’s own Mike Kroon, director of enterprise sales, took that to heart by dropping off 1,000 boxes of cereal to Food Gatherers in Ann Arbor! Mike had a friend tagging along to help with the effort — Josh Ryan, one of our Inside Sales Representatives. “We knew we had plenty of extra food that would’ve otherwise gone to waste, so why not put it to good use with our neighbors and community?” This is an example of giving locally that positively impacts the lives of many.

The Otava Family Takes Time for Each Other

The holidays are always about giving and sharing first, but it’s also good to have that gathering each year that nobody in the family wants to forget. 2020 has introduced new distance requirements for business interactions and communications, at Otava our family is using those new tools to share a week of companywide events during the holiday season including remote bingo, dress up your pets, and an extended holiday huddle; and yes, ugly or festive holiday sweaters are encouraged with winners receiving prizes. Friday December 18th will be our All-Company Virtual party complete with comedy show, scavenger hunt and prizes for all.

From Our Family to Yours

During this season, we take time to reflect upon the good things we have….like the partnership with our highly valued customers and the family of Otava employees. The end of the year brings no greater joy than the opportunity to express season’s greetings and good wishes. May your holidays and New Year be filled with prosperity.

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