02-07-14 | Blog Post
Note: This is the third in a 12-part data backup video series by Online Tech Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello. View the entire backup video series.
So you want to start a data backup plan at your organization. Odds are, the first hurdle to overcome is managing data overload. We generate tons of data, and if you don’t have the budget or time to back up everything, an important first step is to determine what’s most important to the business.
Classifying your data involves a little initial work, but saves time and money.
“If you don’t do that first, generally what happens is you spend a lot of time just trying to back up everything,” Aiello said. “You can either do a data classification program and implement backups incrementally as you go from most important or least important; or you can back up everything on the server — and generally the more cost effective manner is using an outsourced provider.”
Online Tech’s enterprise-level offsite backup provides the highest level of protection with encrypted, offsite backup in a fully managed environment. Key features include file-level restoration, offsite backup and end-to-end encryption.
This video series will continue throughout February. Check back for new entries every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Up next: “Options to think about when backing up data.”
Learn more by downloading our disaster recovery white paper. This white paper is ideal for executives and IT decision-makers seeking a primer, as well as up-to-date information regarding disaster recovery best practices and specific technology recommendations.
Note: This is the third in a 12-part data backup video series by Online Tech Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello. View the entire backup video series.
So you want to start a data backup plan at your organization. Odds are, the first hurdle to overcome is managing data overload. We generate tons of data, and if you don’t have the budget or time to back up everything, an important first step is to determine what’s most important to the business.
Classifying your data involves a little initial work, but saves time and money.
“If you don’t do that first, generally what happens is you spend a lot of time just trying to back up everything,” Aiello said. “You can either do a data classification program and implement backups incrementally as you go from most important or least important; or you can back up everything on the server — and generally the more cost effective manner is using an outsourced provider.”
Online Tech’s enterprise-level offsite backup provides the highest level of protection with encrypted, offsite backup in a fully managed environment. Key features include file-level restoration, offsite backup and end-to-end encryption.
This video series will continue throughout February. Check back for new entries every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Up next: “Options to think about when backing up data.”
Learn more by downloading our disaster recovery white paper. This white paper is ideal for executives and IT decision-makers seeking a primer, as well as up-to-date information regarding disaster recovery best practices and specific technology recommendations.