12-31-13 | Webinar

How to make data backup an easier process


Otava continues its business continuity series of videos on data backup and replication by explaining how to make the data backup process easier.


Steven: If people are looking to make the process of backing up their data easy, I would say you would follow the same business practices that you would for almost every other decision. When I have a problem with my car, I could go to my auto store of choice. I could buy my car auto repair manual. I could jack up my car in my driveway and try to fix the problem. But, generally my time is better spent focusing on things that I understand, which is not automotive repair. The same thing, if my toilet does not work, I am definitely calling a plumber. I am not going to try to fix these solutions myself.

Really the same thing goes with any IT service. If you are struggling with back ups, contact somebody that knows that they are doing and does this regularly. Again, most of the problems with IT systems come from human error. There have been many, many cases where small businesses have said, yes, we have a back up system in place. We have this nice tape drive there. We rotate out our tapes, only to discover in the case of an emergency the data was never actually being written to the tape. So they had this horrible situation they thought they were protected. They never actually tried to do a restore and when they needed to restore that data, they had nothing. It is not to fault them. It is just not their area of expertise. Go to your data doctor, I guess. Talk to people that know and do this every day.

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