04-11-19 | Webinar

How is data encryption deployed today?


Online Tech’s Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello continues his data security series of videos on data encryption by explaining how encryption is deployed today and the two different types of decrypting data.

Encryption is a series of different mathematical formulas that are applied to character data. You can use either substitution or transposition. Substitution is the example of B=A, A=C. Transposition is scrambling the letters – for example, take the word ‘cat.’ Switching the position of the first letter to the third letter, and the third letter to the first letter results in ‘tac.’ So, cat = tac.

Many strong encryption algorithms will use a combination of both substitution and transposition. Depending on the type of technology and device you use, the type of algorithms that are being used will be different for each. For example, mobile phones have very low power availability, therefore, mobile phones and desktop PCs would use different encryption methods.


Steven: There’s only one way that encryption is done from a modern perspective. It’s all math. Generally what you have is a series of different mathematical formulas that are applied to character data. You can either use substitution or transposition.

Substitution is like the example where B = A, C = B, that’s substitution. Transposition is where you think of the word cat. You would take the C and put it where the T is and you would take the T and put it where the C is. A lot of very strong encryption algorithms will use a combination of both substitution and transposition. You have a scrambling of all the letters and a substitution of all the letters. It’s a fairly difficult process to break.

This happens a little bit differently depending on the technology that you’re using. For example, your mobile phone has very low power ability so the type of algorithms being used will be different on your mobile device versus on your desk top. There’s a variety of ways that encryption can be deployed depending on the use case.

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