07-25-23 | Blog Post

OTAVA® Helps Fight Hunger in Michigan 

Blog Posts

OTAVA employees teamed up to help fight hunger by partnering with Food Gatherers. As a company, we put a lot of emphasis on our values. Those values drive us and set us apart, because without them, we’d just be another tech company. We always put People First in everything we do and the Culture of Service instilled in us means we always want to serve others. Volunteer events, like the one we participated in with Food Gatherers, give our team a chance to come together, serve people, and make a difference in the community. 

Food Gatherers is at the forefront of the battle against hunger in Washtenaw County (Michigan). Their mission revolves around not only alleviating hunger by providing meals to those struggling with food insecurity, but also eliminating its causes in the community. Food Gatherers network extends to 170+ partner agencies. Their efforts reach children, adults, seniors, and veterans across every zip code in Washtenaw County. With the help of generous groups donating their time and financial support, Food Gatherers distributed an astounding 7.5 million meals – that’s 9 million pounds of food – in just one year.  

OTAVA’s Volunteer Day with Food Gatherers is another step towards the fight against hunger in the community. Our team of 16 volunteers dedicated 48 hours of their time and helped rescue 2,139 pounds of produce. This produce would otherwise go to waste and is donated by food retailers, wholesalers, and local farmers. 

Our team is thankful for the opportunity to work with Food Gatherers. If you’d like to join in to support Food Gatherers, you can help by donating funds or food, volunteering, or becoming an advocate. Find more information at foodgatherers.org. 

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