06-26-12 | Blog Post

Online Tech Featured in Crain’s Detroit Business

Blog Posts

Recently, Yan Ness, CEO of Online Tech, was featured in a Crain’s Detroit Business article, Master Gardeners: National Experts Help State Biz Grow; MEDC-Backed Program to Expand, discussing the topic of economic gardening.

Yan Ness by Crain's Detroit Business
Yan Ness by Crain’s Detroit Business

It’s part of the strategy to grow Michigan businesses, launched by the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC) as a program to assist startups with business consulting services.

The Pure Michigan Business Connect economic gardening program is based on the concept of growing local businesses instead of attempting to attract large businesses from out of state.

Cultivating the talent and startups already in Michigan involves business support, infrastructure and financial assistance.

Online Tech was featured as a case study for positive business growth in Michigan and as one of the 54 Michigan companies to receive consulting during the state pilot program on the topics of strategy and management, market research and competitive intelligence, Internet and social media strategy and geographical information systems data; as administered by the Edward Lowe Foundation.

An expanded program will be available to Michigan second-stage companies and slated to launch as early as July.

The Pure Michigan Business Connect program has also launched a new statewide business-to-business network to connect Michigan buyers and suppliers.

Find out more about the network:
Economic Gardening with Business Connect

The article highlights other Michigan businesses that received consulting services, ranging from retail to alternative energy services. Read more (article is only available to Crain’s subscribers).

For more on the program, read:
MEDC Wants Pure Michigan Business Connect’s ‘Economic Gardening’ to Plant Roots

Recently, Yan Ness, CEO of Online Tech, was featured in a Crain’s Detroit Business article, Master Gardeners: National Experts Help State Biz Grow; MEDC-Backed Program to Expand, discussing the topic of economic gardening.

Yan Ness by Crain's Detroit Business
Yan Ness by Crain’s Detroit Business

It’s part of the strategy to grow Michigan businesses, launched by the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC) as a program to assist startups with business consulting services.

The Pure Michigan Business Connect economic gardening program is based on the concept of growing local businesses instead of attempting to attract large businesses from out of state.

Cultivating the talent and startups already in Michigan involves business support, infrastructure and financial assistance.

Online Tech was featured as a case study for positive business growth in Michigan and as one of the 54 Michigan companies to receive consulting during the state pilot program on the topics of strategy and management, market research and competitive intelligence, Internet and social media strategy and geographical information systems data; as administered by the Edward Lowe Foundation.

An expanded program will be available to Michigan second-stage companies and slated to launch as early as July.

The Pure Michigan Business Connect program has also launched a new statewide business-to-business network to connect Michigan buyers and suppliers.

Find out more about the network:
Economic Gardening with Business Connect

The article highlights other Michigan businesses that received consulting services, ranging from retail to alternative energy services. Read more (article is only available to Crain’s subscribers).

For more on the program, read:
MEDC Wants Pure Michigan Business Connect’s ‘Economic Gardening’ to Plant Roots

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