05-19-10 | Blog Post
Basecamp (http://basecamphq.com) is a great online project-management tool for small or large teams. In just a matter of minutes, you can easily set up and start tracking a new project. Multiple users can work on to-do lists, track deadlines, post messages, share files, and collaborate on documents in a clean and easy-to-use interface.
It’s easy to switch between multiple projects, or even manage multiple accounts (each with their own list of projects) from a single login. For any project, you can also add users for your clients, and involve them in the project so that they can contribute or monitor progress as well. One great Basecamp feature is the Dashboard page, which summarizes the most recent activity across all your different projects, making it easy to keep tabs on your team’s overall progress. Users can also record their time spent on each to-do item (or just by projects in general) allowing you to quickly create weekly or monthly time tracking reports.
Basecamp offers a 30-day free trial on all their different plans, as well as a free account option (limited to just a single project) making it easy to get started without requiring a large up-front investment in time or money.