06-02-20 | Blog Post

Better Billing for Partners from Otava

Blog Posts

Because one size doesn’t fit all, Otava has offered both contract-based and usage-based services, and now our usage-based partners will have access to a single billing platform – because you deserve the same easy, accurate and timely bill as your contract-based brethren.

Better billing comes with a few changes that we hope you will find easy to navigate. Invoices will now be automated so in addition to receiving an email attachment, you can log in to OTPortal and find them in the Budgets and Billing section under Account History. You can print or save a .pdf version by navigating through the vertical ellipses. Don’t have access to OTPortal? Your security officer should be able to set you up by assigning you a Billing role. If not, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 877-740-5028 (option 4) so we can help!

The online platform will replace Calibrytics, the legacy system, and all invoices since January 2019 will now appear in your portal. You might notice that a few of your line item descriptions are different; our goal was to simplify them, standardize them and make them more intuitive. Your services have not changed, just their monikers.

The new online platform allows you to monitor your usage and helps us bill more accurately for services and licensing. As a reminder, you can always reach out to our billing team at [email protected] or by calling 877-740-5028, option 4, and we will be happy to answer any questions you have!

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